Dr. Cheryl L. Clark
Dr. Clark is co-founder of Social Synergetics.
She retired from her 36-year career in State service in November 2010, as the
Director of Shock Incarceration and the Willard Drug Treatment Campus (WDTC)
for the New York State Department of Correctional Services (NYS DOCS), both
programs that she designed, developed and directed. Shock Incarceration is
internationally recognized as the leading program of its type in the world. As
of reporting for 2010, NYS DOCS research documents the Shock program
contributing more than $1.4 billion in cost savings to the taxpayers of New
York State for the institutional phase alone.
The cost savings realized are due to the unprecedented success rates for
graduates of this intensive substance abuse treatment program, including higher
success rates postrelease, the highest passing rate of the GED (General
Equivalency Diploma) in the nation, and significantly lower recidivism rates
for graduates of the program. As graduates have an average of 1.5 to 2 children
each, the impact of their parent's success on these children has also been
Shock graduates are more likely to be working, contributing positively to their
communities and involved with raising their children than comparison groups.
Research supports that this has been the case throughout the life of the
program. The first graduates had earned early release in 1988, gaining as much
as two years off their court-mandated sentences. In her 36 years of State
Service, Dr. Clark has been honored for her innovations in the field of
Criminal Justice, for both staff and inmates. Through Dr. Clark's efforts, tens
of thousands of inmates in corrections systems throughout the United States
have been able to transform their lives and create opportunities for themselves
and their children. Her innovations received international recognition for the
unprecedented benefits to individuals and society.
Dr. Clark began her tenure in Criminal Justice in 1974, where, within 6 months,
she was named Director of Training for the Commission of Corrections, and was
next promoted to Director of Operations. While at the COC, Dr. Clark designed
and developed the Network Program, the first Total Learning EnvironmentTM
(TLETM) in a correctional facility. The Network Program was implemented in
1979, in four correctional facilities, and eventually grew to 31 units in 29
facilitates by 1985. A few of the Network units still remain, one since 1981,
at the maximum security Clinton Correctional Facility, in Clinton, NY. During
this period, Thomas A. Coughlin, then Commissioner of NY DOCS, visited a
Network Unit at Fishkill Correctional Facility in Fishkill, NY. Commissioner
Coughlin was impressed by the positive environment and results he saw at
While touring the Network unit in Fishkill, he asked, "Clark, why can't they
all be this way?" Her answer, "They can." In 1985, Dr. Clark was appointed
Director of Staff Development for the NYS Division of Parole, to assist with
the implementation of the Division's Regional management system. She developed
Supervisory, Management and Leadership Training Programs for the Division and
was charged with streamlining and improving training programs for all levels of
Parole staff. She considers one of her most significant accomplishments for
that agency the design and implementation of the first Street Survival course
for Parole Officers in New York State, increasing the safety for officers and
the community they serve. Commissioner Coughlin continued to think about what
he had seen on the Network units in many of the DOCS facilities, and, in 1987,
Dr. Clark was asked to return to DOCS to develop the Shock Incarceration
program. Shock was to be a 6-month program that would prepare young, nonviolent
felony offenders for early parole release consideration after successful
completion of the intensive program. The program was to be based in the TLETM
model developed by Dr. Clark for Network, and would operate in specially
designed facilities, providing a holistic focus on the participants, including
a schedule of rigorous physical activity, military discipline, academic
education, comprehensive life-skills for success, and intensive substance abuse
treatment. In 1987, the first Shock program opened in Monterey Shock
Incarceration Correctional Facility (SICF), near Corning, NY.
It was quickly followed by the opening of Summit SICF in March 1988, Moriah
SICF in February 1989 and Lakeview SICF, the largest such facility to every
operate in this model (750 beds, originally), which opened in August of 1989.
Both men and women participated in the program, with the first women beginning
in June 1988. Because of the outstanding, unprecedented success of Shock, in
1995 Dr. Clark was asked to design the Willard Drug Treatment Campus (DTC) and
expand Shock staff training to include all staff of the DTC. The Willard DTC is
unique as a stand-alone correctional Drug Treatment Campus. Based in both
military and Network community models, Shock Incarceration and the DTC have an
equal emphasis on self-discipline, treatment and life skills education. As of
2004, with 28,000 graduates, the documented savings for the taxpayers of the
State of New York as a direct result of the Shock Program exceeded $1.18
billion. As of 2009 more than 40,000 young men and women had graduated from the
Shock Incarceration Program and reintegrated successfully into their
communities. The documented savings were then estimated at more than $1.33
billion for the institutional phase alone. At the time of Dr. Clark's
retirement, cost savings were estimated at more than $1.45 billion.
In addition to these costs, more than 65,000 children of participants, their
spouses or partners, as well as many thousands of other family members
benefitted from the impact of the Shock Incarceration program. In 2005, Dr.
Clark was invited to become a member of the Transformational Leadership Council
where she is a founding member.
In 1990, Dr. Clark was awarded the Governor's
Productivity Award for outstanding contributions to State Government.
In 1995, the American Correctional Association acknowledged her for her
outstanding contributions to corrections, as "Best in the Business".
In 2001, Dr. Clark earned a Ph.D. in the School of Health and Human Services at
Columbia Commonwealth University after obtaining a Master's Degree in
Educational Psychology from the College of St. Rose in Albany, NY. She has
studied accelerated learning and transformation technologies for more than 30
years. Her doctoral dissertation, 12 Degrees Of Freedom: Synergetics and the 12 Steps
to Recovery, is considered a ground-breaking work in the field of substance
abuse treatment. It includes a comprehensive overview of the model she named
Social Synergetics™, offering an innovative, fully integrated model for
recovery from addictions and transformation.
In 2009, Dr. Clark received the Excellence in Leadership Award from the
Transformational Leadership Council, In honor of the longevity and creativity
of your dedication to supporting the aims and functioning of TLC.
On June 6, 2010, the Women's Prison Association (WPA), the nation's oldest
service and advocacy organization committed to helping women with criminal
justice histories, honored Dr. Clark with the Isaac T. Hopper Award for
outstanding service to women and children of formerly incarcerated women. In
part, the award commends, “Her holistic approach (that) taps the physical,
mental, spiritual, emotional and educational potential of incarcerated women,
and prepares each to achieve their goals upon re-entry to society. One of
numerous strategies designed by Dr. Clark to spark social change, Shock focuses
on self-respect, respect for others, joy, capability and harmonious community
In July 2010, the TLC granted her the High Five Award for her Extraordinary
Achievements in her service to humanity. Dr. Clark is internationally
recognized as a leader in her field and an expert in substance abuse treatment.
She is the principal author of DOING LIFE! A Life Skills Program for Recovery
from Addictions, and S.M.A.R.T. CHOICES: A Guide for Making Choices That Work.
She also co-authored two Facilitators Guides for Instructors of these
curricula. Throughout her career she was asked to consult with many other State
and Local correctional agencies in the development and implementation of
programs based in the TLETM model. In addition to NYS Corrections staff, Dr.
Clark has trained staff of State and County Correctional Facilities in
California, Delaware, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York,
Oregon, Texas, Vermont and Washington.
She has been a key contributor to the development, training for, and evaluation
of similar programs for the American Correctional Association, the National
Institute of Justice and the National Institute of Corrections Dr. Clark is
most proud that the graduates of the Shock Program have achieved the highest
passing rate of the GED (General Equivalency Diploma) of any program in the
country in less than 1/4 of the time as students (including inmates) in longer
GED programs, and at twice the average passing rate of students in GED programs
nationwide. She was instrumental in introducing the Quantum Learning Network to
the Department and having the Quantum Learning Technologies taught to teachers
throughout the DOCS academic programs.
Graduates of the program acknowledge her work as saving their lives. Many
have written to say that without the tools of the programs she initiated, they
would be dead or incarcerated for life.